Our Chapter Alcohol Policy

by HOG Chapter #1544february 2018

Safe and responsible motorcycling is our H.O.G. Chapter’s major responsibility.
The consumption and use of alcohol is a serious personal responsibility involving the safety and welfare of family, riding friends, and the individual HOG member.
Chapter Rides:
No alcohol consumption before or during a riding event.
If you consume alcohol before a ride-you can not join the ride.
If you consume alcohol during a ride-you will be asked to leave the group.
If our destination is to an establishment that serves alcohol-the Chapter ride is officially
over when we arrive at the destination and the “kickstands go down”.
If we are on an overnight ride-There will be two parts to the ride.
   1st part-Chapter rideto the destination.
   2nd part-Chapter ride from the destination to home.

If a member consumes too much alcohol after a planned ride or event, and gives the
appearance of being unfit to ride or drive home, he or she will be asked by a Chapter
Officer to make other arrangements to get home. This may be calling a friend or family
member to pick you up or calling a taxi to take you home.
These actions are not only for the rider’s benefit, but also for the protection of innocent
people who are on the road.
Chapter Non-Riding Events:
The Chapter will not serve or sell alcohol.
If alcohol is allowed, it will be at the sole discretion of the sponsoring dealer (Williamsport Harley-Davidson)
Alcohol consumption before or during a motorcycling activity is not safe, responsible behavior. Please ensure you are aware of the dangers to yourself and others when you decide to consume alcohol. If not for yourself, think of your family and friends who you may leave behind - It's just not worth it!!
For more information on alcohol awareness, review the information provided by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation by following this link (Click Here)